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Brody Froelich

Brody Froelich


Artist, forever an artist. From the streets of Oakland, this guy is inspired by life. Brody Froelich has always found art in unexpected places. A volunteer for the 337 project, he knows his way around pretty much every kind of media. From large scale spray paint murals, to cinematic animation and custom sound - he's got them all down with his own distinct twist. He loves exploring the latest and greatest technology whether digital or underfoot. He's currently working on numerous large scale projection mapping projects and praying for the next powder day.

Brody has created a number of art pieces from RAMP's factory ski and snowboard scraps, and an animated video highlighting the Kapow (see below).

Brody Rides

Rides Peacepipe

"The Peacepipe is a fat ski that's good in all conditions."